The theory behind the practice

Nicolas Bourriaud, Relational Aesthetics

“Does this work permit me to enter into dialogue? Could I exist, and how, in the space it defines?”  

Umberto Eco, “The Poetics of the Open Work”

“The poetics of the ‘work in movement’ … sets in motion a new cycle of relations between the artist and his audience, a new mechanics of aesthetic perception, a different status for the artistic product in contemporary society. … It poses new practical problems by organizing new communicative situations. In short, in installs a new relationship between the contemplation and the utilization of a work of art.”      

Jürgen Habermas, On the Pragmatics of Communication

“The task of universal pragmatics is to identify and reconstruct universal conditions of possible mutual understanding.”  

Louis Althusser

“The ultimate condition of production is therefore the reproduction of the conditions of production.”  

Brook Ziporyn, Emptiness and Omnipresence

“Nonself, applied universally, means also Emptiness, which means ontological ambiguity. No one identity always pertains. To exist is to be changing forms. To be someone is to be turning into someone else. There exists no definitive answer to the question of who we are, once and for all. Our Emptiness and nonself are not the exclusion of life and experience and selfhood, a blank; they are, rather, this vast array of ever changing forms of life.”